Cloud Conversion Utilities -------------------------- [CLOUD] = [OLDCLOUD] = the host where the new update system is being installed How to prepare a server to host the new automatic system: 1. add user@host to mysql database in 2. copy [CLOUD]/var/www/mastermanager/ in the [OLDCLOUD] 3. copy [CLOUD]/var/www/mastermanager/config.php and edit it (hostname) 4. launch [OLDCLOUD]/[...]/ How to transform a old-style installation in the new one: 1. launch [OLDCLOUD]/var/www/ to have latest files 2. launch [OLDCLOUD]/var/www/mastermanager/cloudmorph/ [] [] 3. launch [CLOUD]/var/www/mastermanager/creditmanager.php (otherwise the vte will be blocked) 4. manually update the projectplan in